We believe in Jesus, & that His life, death, & resurrection has changed everything.
He invites us into a new life & a new way of living.
So we practice discipleship together by seeking to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, & do the things Jesus did. 


Everyone in our church family is invited into deep knownness & regular engagement with a few others.These relationships take different forms (e.g. some groups engage couples others are single-gender, & others mix; some involve kids & others are grown-ups only; there’s no defined group size, etc.). DNA Groups meet at various times & locations through each week. 

  • DNA stands for “Discover - Nurture - Act”.

    Salt+Light seeks to be formed through God’s Spirit, guided by God’s story, known as God’s family, and focused on God’s mission. So each DNA Group is more than just information. Instead, we foster a holistic environment that shapes our heads, hearts, and hands.

    We “discover” more about God and his work

    We “nurture” each other’s needs and giftings

    We “act” out God’s will as we apply it to our lives by the power of His Spirit.

  • Different discipleship needs exist in different seasons. So while every group pursues the “Discover - Nurture - Act” goals, different groups do so in different ways, in different seasons. For example…

    …some DNA’s work through a book on an area of life/faith

    …some DNA’s are more seasonal and focused on equipping

    …some DNA’s enter into & support each other on mission

  • To learn more about DNA’s, and to visit a group, talk to anyone at a Sunday gathering with a lanyard, or email hi@saltandlightfw.com.


DNA Groups meet throughout the week, across the Fort Worth area:

  • Arlington Heights

  • Chapel Creek / West Loop 820

  • Mansfield

  • Near Southside (Mistletoe Heights)

  • Ridgmar

  • Saginaw

  • Westworth Village

  • …with more on the way soon

Being with Jesus

To be with Jesus means we live all of life centered on His word, His Spirit, and His Kingdom.

  • …seeking God’s kingdom first and dwelling with Christ personally and together, as his Spirit increasingly leads us and bears fruit in our lives.

  • …knowing and obeying God through regular time in his word; depending on the Spirit through prayer; pursuing creativity, beauty, and various forms of worship; and creating intentional time for Sabbath and reflection.

  • …seeking holiness, repentance, and forgiveness; loving God, each other, our neighbors, and our enemies; and viewing our stations in life (like marriage, singleness, gender, job, etc.) through the lens of the Bible.

Becoming Like Jesus

To become like Jesus means we give up our lives for God and others.

  • …boldly but humbly speaking and receiving the good news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection into every facet of believers’ and unbelievers’ lives.

  • …using our homes, time, and possessions for God’s people and purposes; encouraging each others’ gifts and using our own to help others thrive; financially giving toward God’s mission and ministry; and inconveniencing ourselves for the wellbeing of others.

  • …intentionally breaking down dividing walls; giving voice and resource to fight injustice and reconcile brokenness; and pursuing relationship, assistance, and faith with those on society’s fringes.

Doing What Jesus Did

To do what Jesus did means we devote ourselves to the things God values.

  • …fighting the temptation to busyness, distraction, excess, and shallowness; and devoting ourselves to counter-cultural things God calls his people to value, both personally and together.

  • …in Sunday gatherings and in everyday life; and we value all peoples’ different gifts, perspectives, and experiences, as vital to our lives and growth.

  • …practicing the Bible’s “one another’s” often; taking responsibility for each other’s growth; being trained to follow the ways of Jesus; and being sent to make disciples and multiply churches.

Our Discipleship Priorities