Give by Mail: Checks to “Salt+Light”
PO Box 11934 - Fort Worth, TX 76110


As part of becoming like Jesus, Salt+Light Community pursues selfless generosity, which we define in part as “financially giving toward God’s mission & ministry, & inconveniencing ourselves for the wellbeing of others.” 

Our prayer is that individuals within Salt+Light — & that our church budget too — would embody a lifestyle of generosity rather than focusing on a certain percentage or tax credit opportunity. We want individual & church-wide giving to support specific mission & ministry efforts & needs, among our church family & beyond. 

While keeping our church budget as lean as possible, we invite you to generously & sacrificially give your time, prayer, & finances, both to Salt+Light & to other gospel-centered efforts, missionaries, & organizations you believe in.

We also encourage individuals to set aside a percentage of your monthly household income simply to bless & care for people in everyday life, & to meet peoples’ needs as God opens doors.